Tobias Hume (1569 ? - 1645)
Poeticall Musicke

Ré-édition / Reissued
DHM 77847


Artistes / Performers
Montserrat Figueras, soprano.
Paul Hillier, basse (bass)
Hespèrion XX, Jordi Savall

Lieu d'enregistrement / Recording site:

Dates d'enregistrement: Fév, mars et mai 1983
Recording dates: Feb, March and May 1983

Durée totale / Total time: 58"19

Cat. #:DHM 05472 77847 2


Édition originale/Original recording
DHM  - 1695331 (LP)
DHM (77165) (CD)

<<Sélection dans le document>>

Appréciation (s) / Review(s)


# 314 (03/1986)
Review by:
Kirk McElhearn




Reviewer: Julie Anne Sadie

"Hollywood may indeed have something to learn from Jordi Savall. He has dressed up "Captaine Humes Poeticall Musicke" in musical finery beyond the wildest imagination of the composer. Recorded in 1983 and remastered in 1988, this disc may not represent his latest thinking on how to popularize a little-known repertory. Opulently orchestrated (with renaissance recorder, curtal, cornett, trombone, two tenor viols and one bass viol and two lutes), reminiscent of recordings of Monteverdi's Orfeo of the same date, The Lady of Sussex delight inaugurates the CD theatrically with a strummed crescendo. The Earle of Pembrokes Galiard, and A Masque apparently merit similar treatment. The remaining selections form a kaleidoscope of instrumental combinations, together with the two vocalists, Figueras (whose English is precise but not idiomatic) and Hillier".

Some arrangements are more successful than others. Framing an ensemble of 'outdoor-ish' instruments--curtal, cornett .and trombone-with the delicate timbre of renaissance recorder and lute in The Lady Canes delight creates a strange effect, while the more balanced juxtaposition of cornett and trombone with treble and bass viol and lute in The Duke oj Holstones delight creates a pleasing effect. Bearing in mind that Hume most probably envisaged his music being performed by small chamber ensembles, it comes as little surprise that the most successful pieces are those performed by a handful of musicians. Hume the soldier viol player is presented most sympathetically in his autobiographical bass duets (The Souldiers Song, Alas poore men and Tobacco, performed by Hillier and Savall), together with the bass viol duets and trio (The Duke oj Lenox delight, The Earle oj Arundels Javoret and A Jigg Jor Ladies which serves as a finale are taken by Sa vall, Christophe Coin and Paolo Pandolfo). Hume would have delighted in the polished viol consort versions of The Queens delight and The Pashion ojMusicke, as well as Figueras's performance of Fain would I change that note, which Savall accompanies so masterfully. The consort bass, played by Pandolfo, adds a delicate resonance to the texture of The Duke oj Lenox delight and The Earle oj Arundels Javoret, yet unduly polarizes that of The Earle oj SalisburiesJavoret, being performed by the lutenists Hopkinson Smith and Robert Clancy. Their lute duet, The King oj Denmarks delight, gives a rather uncharacteristically precious impression of the earthy Hume.

The occasional lapse apart, Savall has skilfully minimized the impression of slightness one usually retains of Hume's music by creating an illusion of colour and drama which any composer would envy. Whether Hume would recognize his music is probably irrelevant.

Diapason- 314



5 diapasons



Analyste: Jean-Charles Hoffelé
Résumé ou abrégé: 

"Hume, découvert au disque dans un précédent album par Savall (Naïve 9919), qui récidive pour notre plus grand plaisir, est comme son nom l'indique un musicien de l'humeur. Ses musiques savoureuses sont profondément expressives et l'interprétation de Savall, qui se garde de toute sécheresse musicologique, accentue encore la tristesse de The Souldiers Song, la sensualité amoureuse (d'un amour de vieux garçon) de Tobacco, le plus bel hymne qu'un musicien ait jamais écrit à la gloire du "perlot".
Hume était certainement un esprit fantasque. Sa musique tend souvent au bizarre, à l'excès. Elle ne cesse d'étonner par l'utilisation archaïsante de la viole de gambe, dans une technique qui diffère totalement de celle employée par Marais ou Forqueray en France. Elle ne lui est pas prétexte à virtuosité, mais plutôt à confession. Ce disque offre des extraits des Captains Humes poetical Musicke, strictement instrumentaux et quelques airs de The First Part of Ayres dévolus aux voix de Figueras et de Hillier. Ce dernier rend toute leur saveur populaire à ces chants que Hume prit certainement au petit peuple de Londres et la rondeur de sa voix se marie idéalement avec le grain de la viole de gambe de Savall (Tobacco, encore). Et écoutez l'ébouriffante gigue finale, menée grand train par Savall.
C'est donc toute l'oeuvre de Hume, si étrangère à l'Angleterre musicale de ce début du siècle, qu'il nous faut découvrir. Que Savall poursuive son oeuvre !"

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