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American Record Guide: (05/2020) 
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Music for Milan Cathedral Product Image

Code-barres / Barcode : 801918342240


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Reviewer: Barry Kilpatrick


Very little is known of the life of Hermann Matthias Werrecore (we know he died after 1574) except that he was possibly Flemish, served as maestro di cappella at the Milan Cathedral for almost 30 years beginning in 1522, and that some 30 motets survive. The 6 here are marked as first recordings and make up around 2/3 of this program (45 minutes). Expressive variety is well supplied both in Werrecore’s compositions and in very fine interpretations by the Siglo de Oro mixed vocal ensemble. Fervent joy is clear in 'Inviolata, Integra Et Casta Es Maria’ honoring the Purification of the Virgin Mary; and fine delicate solo lines animate 'Ave Maris Stella’. In 'Popule Meus’ (for Good Friday) Christ asks why people have turned against Him despite all He has done for them. The powerful setting well depicts his mixed emotions of frustration, resignation, and bitterness as he demands an explanation. The other pieces here are by composers associated with Milan Cathedral either before or at the same time as Werrecore: two by Josquin des Prez and one each by Dominique Phinot, Franchinus Gaffurius, and Gaspar van Weerbeke. Stillness and calm anchor Weerbeke’s 'Ave Regina, Caelorum Mater’, sung with gentle devotional warmth.

Notes, texts, translations.

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